Bhakti Community

Who are we?

Āśraya: A Place of Spiritual Shelter

The Bhakti Community is a loving London-based community for university graduates, aged between 20-30, who seek to live a life less ordinary. We hold regular Bhakti Nights in central London on key topics for the youth as well as volunteering events at our home, Bhaktivedanta Manor.

Our Core Values 🤝

Once a year we hold a retreat, a spiritual getaway from the hustle and bustle of life. A time to come together for a week and live in a spiritual setting, absorbing the teachings of saints and serving one another.

This year we went to New Vraja Dhama, Hungary!

Our Home 🏡

Set in 80 acres of luscious countryside and donated by George Harrison himself, the Bhaktivedanta Manor has been a hub of spiritual growth and opportunity for over 50 years. Bhaktivedanta Manor is a place to experience the authentic tradition of Bhakti Yoga or the yoga of devotion. The teachings including mantra meditation date back thousands of years and arrived on western shores with Srila Prabhupada, founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in 1965. The Manor is now one of the UK’s most popular spiritual centres.